William Byrnes' Tax, Wealth, and Risk Intelligence

William Byrnes (Texas A&M) tax & compliance articles

Two Powerhouses Announce Joint International Tax LLM

Posted by William Byrnes on January 27, 2015

Logo Starting September 2015, University of Amsterdam will offer an Advanced LL.M. of International Taxation in English, limited to just 25 annual candidates from around the world.  Applications for one of these seats are open until April.

Renown international tax academic and lawyer Dr. Dennis Weber shared with the Financial Law Prof: “The Advanced LL.M. of International Tax Lawis a full-time, one-year program.  The curriculum covers both the established framework of international tax law and emerging issues. A fundamental premise is that a proper understanding of this area of the law requires studying both the “big picture” and the technicalities.”

Weber-dennis-hoogleraar-fdr-fotograaf-gerth-van-roden-web“Moreover”, he continued, “the OECD BEPS project is on every tax counsel’s mind, and such discussions normally involve The Netherlands because, as a business friendly jurisdiction for fifty years, it has attracted multinational operations, employment and tax revenue using a ‘carrot’ policy.  Other countries are competing for multinationals’ operations, employment and tax revenue with a ‘stick’ policy of imposing high compliance costs to dissuade international activities.  The next five years will be an interesting time as the G20 goes head to head to try to peel away these operations and tax revenue from each other.”

“The IBFD is very excited about joining forces with the University of Amsterdam to create an LLM with a teaching programme that is based firmly on the research activities of both institutions and offers a combined theoretical and practical analysis of international tax law.” elaborated Prof. Dr Pasquale Pistone, Chair of the IBFD’s Academic Committee.

“There has never been a more exciting time to study international tax law than now” continued Dr. Joanna Wheeler, “the topic is firmly on the public agenda and you can see the whole field developing before your eyes just by reading the news.”

“I am delighted that the longstanding relationship between the UvA and IBFD has resulted in such a promising LLM programme, a programme that takes a holistic and policy-oriented view to taxation and that perfectly fits the current era.” said Prof. Dr Stef van Weeghel.  Dr. Weber added, “Studying international tax law in one of the most relaxed cities in the world: a perfect combination.”

Prof. William Byrnes iterated “Dr. Dennis Weber has developed a game changer in Europe with his international tax program, combining the academic quality of University of Amsterdam with the industry reputation of the IBFD.”

Learn more about international students studying in Amsterdam via YouTube


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